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Pepper Gold on Smashwords

The Release: Wet and Refreshing

Don't let the title sway you or reel you in, but let it wash you with what I'm about to say: PEPPER GOLD IS HERE WITH EROTICA I'm a new author in this genre. My first release has been wet and refreshing this weekend. I sold an eBook in the first few hours. May not mean much to some, but it means a lot to me, as IT'S MY FIRST BOOK. I care about you, my readers, because you may want something new and invigorating. Let me give it to you.  Let the words and actions plunge deep into you mental psyche.  Let the characters invade your dreams and wet ...your....pants.... 1.  2. 3.   4. All on KINDLE!  The characters could be you or I. They could be someone we know. The reality of what is happening in these books happens behind closed doors. Swing those doors open, baby!!! Get excited!! Share with friends! Maxi Millionaire sets the rest of the books on fire. An African American Woman Millionaire with millionaire friends. Becoming Kept is the best
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