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Pepper Gold on Smashwords

I am Sevyn

 I had to write this blog post to high five one of my favorite authors as well as be a tiny-bit more transparent. 

If you have never read the book Sevyn by Best Selling Author Keta Kendric, you are missing a treat. A GREAT PLOT, SEXY SCENES, ETC. 

Grab it now. On Kindle or paperback--up to you. 

So, I am Sevyn. 

Me. Pepper---my real self whom some of you already know. 

This character's name is Dana. (hint one) 

Dana has some spiritual connotations about herself that only I, as a faith-based individual, can see and understand where others just see paranormal. (hint two) 

 Listen, let me share my review, 

"Sevyn is the epitome of my soul because of its direct spiritual 

connect to me. There were so many instances where the story paralleled my life." 

When you know there is something all about you, that God is allowing you to FIND YOU in the pages of something others wouldn't even read, yes, that's God. Period, pooh. 

Now, to tell you about this story without giving too much away. Keta Kendric---wonderful author by the way---created a woman whose real life covers her serving life. 

  • Daughter of a diplomat (I didn't like him too much)
  • Hunts monsters at night 

Here's the kicker, she learns something about herself that changes how she perceives those she's hunting. I must tell you; Dana is a BAD (hint three) mama Jama if you ask me. Not because of all the hints I gave connecting her to me, but in all the ways she serves as a person both day and night. 

I encourage you to get this book. 

Some of you who are faith-based folks might be a little put off but need whatever is in the pages for your next steps. 

Some of you who are prayer warriors will get directions. 

Some of you paranormal folks will be entertained and want the next book in the series. So, let's go! 


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